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Showing posts from December, 2010


An icy wind begins to shriek and blow
Throughout the night, its cry one ghostly wail
The trees, their branches bare, now bowing low
Subject unto the mighty whirling
The ocean, roused to anger, thrashes, churns
In restless clawing tears away the shore
The sky, ablaze with lightning, flashes, burns
In agony sends forth a thund'rous roar
A tremor rocks the earth; the land is rent
Rain mercilessly whips the ground until
The wind turns all to hail, destruction-bent.
All life surrenders in defeat...yet still
I stand, unmoved, though ruin be complete
My head held high, and planted firm, my feet.


Far From Home

i lie here
darkness wrapped around me
searching through what i can see
for something, anything
but all of it only
screams at me
unfamiliar, unfamiliar, unfamiliar
the scents of this house
the sounds of this night
the coldness and roughness
of this blanket on top of me,
unfamiliar, unfamiliar, unfamiliar
my heart reaches out
and my mind falls too short
my heart aches
and my mind knows not why.


means communication
means communication of meaning
means communication of meaning through ideas
means communication of meaning through ideas through sounds or signs
means communication of meaning through ideas through sounds or signs through words
means communication of meaning through ideas through sounds or signs through words through sentences

means communication of meaning
through new ideas
through new sounds or signs
through new words
through new sentences

is changing,
as we speak.